Custom Hkafo Brace for Spinal Cord Injury @mycaremedical

Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis HKAFO is recommended for those suffering from paralysis of muscles & muscle groups of knee foot & ankle due to Central nervous system disorders Stroke Brain tumour encephalitis or brain abscesses Craniocerebral trauma Multiple sclerosis Spinal cord injury incomplete paraplegiaTransverse myelitis Progressive spastic spinal paralysis Myatrophic lateral sclerosis Progressive spinal muscular atrophy · Acute poliomyelitis Degenerative spinal diseases Abnormalities of spinal cord Funicular myelosis   Neural muscular atrophy Anterior spinal artery syndrome Progressive muscular dystrophy Poliomyelitis HKAFO is an extension of KAFO with added hip joints & pelvic band this orthosis adds more stability for the patient This orthosis is used on patients that require more stability of the hip and lower trunk due to paralysis and weakness these are mainly used for patients with paraplegial spina bifida or myopathies. #hkafo #thkafo #Paraplegia #Spinalcordrehabilitation #lossofmovement #lossofsensation #trauma #immobilization #legparalysis #paraplegic #spinalcordinjurytreatment #Paralysis #Spinalcordinjury #spinalcordinjurysupportgroup #spinalshock #spinalcordsurgery #rehabaids #neurologicaldisorderofspine #weakerlegs #musculardystrophy #paralysisbrace #sci   


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